Friday, March 17, 2006

Twerpie update; and more art

New art here. It's not much. Just some lineart that I doodled around with. But I sort of like it.

The Twerpie is doing well. She has two kidney stones left after surgical removal, because they were located in troublesome spots in the kidney. As per doctor's orders, we have turned her upside down and thumped her back to dislodge them and encourage them to pass. She's feeling much better--well enough to pick on me again (it was rough going there for a few days, as she felt so lousy that "Try not to throw up on your sister" couldn't even get a smile out of her), and hopes to return to work on Monday. She also plans to kick the urologist in the kneecaps for various aggravating things during this whole ordeal (such as putting off the operation for two weeks while he fussed about with techniques that are proven not to work on cystine stones), and has asked her GP for a different one in the future.

And for my politically-minded friends: UNMASKING UNRWA. The UN may not be so impartial after all. Hamas members working in the UNRWA?

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