Thursday, January 28, 2010

Twitter throws down with censorship regimes

I said in my last post that we're moving into something new. Well, here's another move. Looks like there's a showdown brewing in cyberspace.

Twitter working to thwart censorship - International Business Times -

The central bits of this article are
Micro-blogging site Twitter is developing technology that will prevent government censorship after Iran and China moved to censor its users.

"We are partially blocked in China and other places and we were in Iran as well," he said. "The most productive way to fight that is not by trying to engage China and other governments whose very being is against what we are about."

Wow. The implications here are huge. So far, the big tech and comm companies have been targets and defenders in cybersecurity. But if they actually start to come out and do governments deal with private enterprise entering the war zone?

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