Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Funny Day

ContentDM (our software for managing digital objects, which is a codeword for "computer file of any sort that contains human-readable information") is acting up. This, oddly enough, is a source of massive amusement. The office resounds with the screams and lamentations of the women. And, of course, the strange and colorful cursings of computing professionals and librarians. You'd be amazed at the strange and colorful cursings librarians can come up with.

Co-worker: "I did it! I fixed the thing that's been bugging us for two days!"
Me: "Awesome. You are a goddess!"
Co-worker: "It wasn't me. It was Boss."
Me: "Okay, then he's a goddess!"
Boss: "I don't think I have the right parts to be a goddess."
Me: "Well, that sounds like a personal problem."

Me: "Ugh."
Co-worker: "You can say that again."
Me: "Ugh."

Co-worker: "I did it! I got the files to upload to the database!"
Me: "Woohoo!"
*both of us dance in celebration*
Other co-worker: "This whole procedure is hilarious to watch from the outside. You jump around and cheer when it works, you surse and gesture when it doesn't..."
Me: "This database is an emotional rollercoaster!"

Different co-worker, encountered in hallway: "Hey! How are you?"
Me: "Surviving. How're you?"
Him: "Eh. It's Friday. You know." *makes the "coasting downhill" gesture*
Me: "Just like that, eh?" *makes the "coasting downhill" gesture*
Him: "Yep." *makes the "coasting downhill" gesture* "Just like that. Building momentum to slide out the door."
Me: "Just so long as you don't run into something along the way."
Him: "I don't care. I'll go right through it!"
Me: "Yeah, hospital isn't in this building."

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