Friday, December 30, 2005

Whoo, lookit me!

It's midnight in the middle of Christmas break, and I have so many things I could be doing. Instead, of course, I am currently fiddling with creating this blog. I suspect it is the final symptom of internet addiction. This is it; I've crossed the line and there's no turning back. Soon the illness will progress to the last stages and I shall waste away...

In point of fact, if you don't know me already then you'll soon find out that I'm notoriously erratic. I'll post fast and thick for a little while, then my attention will wander as a new shiny passes by. I will chase the shiny, ignoring all the previously nifty things I was doing before, because they now have my fingerprints all over and aren't shiny anymore. Eventually I'll remember this is here, come back and post something so you know I haven't forgotten you.

It makes me wonder why I'm even doing this, but heck. I like tinkering with settings. See you around!

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